The general contractor in Grandeur Hills Group
An apartment renovation contract is a very first difficult step that every customer of the repair, construction, and decoration services must take. Many do not dare to do this and start repairing the apartment with an advance payment to the foreman.
It’s one thing when the customer and the contractor are legal entities and they have their lawyers – it’s easy. Lawyers for their salaries can draw up and conclude the correct contract for any repair and finishing work. For example, renovation of an employee’s apartment, renovation of an office, or any other premises.
It is a little more difficult to avoid mistakes when drawing up a contract for the renovation of an apartment when the customer is an individual and the contractor is a legal entity. In this case, the contractor already has a spent “fish of the contract” and the customer is simply asked to sign it. As a rule, these are legal entities. People consult with lawyers or have a lawyer in their state. In fish of such an agreement, all the rules are usually followed. But the skewing of the rules in such contracts is directed in favor of the contractor.
The most difficult case is a contract for apartment renovation between individuals.
Those both the customer and the contractor are not legal entities. Everything is clear with the customer. The customer of the apartment renovation, as a rule, is always an individual. But the legal status of the contractor is in question.
Most often, private teams or individual craftsmen and specialists without a legal entity are involved in the repair of an apartment. So it is very beneficial for them not to sign any contracts at all. And the customer, on the contrary, really needs to conclude a contract with such an illegal contractor. Let this agreement be at least on a piece of paper in a box, but it must be!
Therefore, we always advise our future clients to work only with a general contractor in Grandeur Hills Group, since he not only works with high quality but also concludes a contract.

These are people with an average permanent income, both married and single.
Auditorium: Who orders the cleaning of private apartments?
Both men and women use house-cleaning services equally.
They order professional cleaning at different intervals. Depending on the type and cost of cleaning – general cleaning once a year, express cleaning once a month or more often. Cleaning after renovation is a one-time service that is used as often as renovations are done in an apartment.